Uncharted Commitment Card
Need assistance navigating the Uncharted Commitment Card? We are here to help! Watch this video for a walkthough of how to pray over and fill out your Uncharted Commitment.
You can download a pdf copy of the commitment card to print by clicking on the image at the bottom of this page or simply fill out the form below.
You can download a pdf copy of the commitment card to print by clicking on the image at the bottom of this page or simply fill out the form below.
I am already committed to uncharted
As you pray and discern how God would ask you to give during this time, use this gift chart as a discipleship tool. Let it be something that inspires and challenges you toward greater generosity for Kingdom impact as He works in and through you.
Click on the commitment card to download a PDF copy to print.
Click on the commitment card to download a PDF copy to print.
Our team has worked hard to put together a resource to help you on your UNCHARTED journey. We call this resource the UNCHARTED ADVENTURE Guide.
This book has information about the history of Grace Covenant Church as well as details about the vision of the church over the next two years. You will also find pages to help you prayerfully consider your part in the UNCHARTED adventure! We are praying that God will do amazing things in your life and the life of Grace Covenant Church as we endevor to venture beyond the buoys and into UNCHARTED faith.
To view the UNCHARTED Adventure Guide you can use the flipbook on this page. Click the icon in the lower right corner of the controls bar to make it full screen or to download the pdf.
This book has information about the history of Grace Covenant Church as well as details about the vision of the church over the next two years. You will also find pages to help you prayerfully consider your part in the UNCHARTED adventure! We are praying that God will do amazing things in your life and the life of Grace Covenant Church as we endevor to venture beyond the buoys and into UNCHARTED faith.
To view the UNCHARTED Adventure Guide you can use the flipbook on this page. Click the icon in the lower right corner of the controls bar to make it full screen or to download the pdf.